Other Language Combinations

All Members and Friends of the Japanese Network of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (J-Net) have identified themselves as professional translators and interpreters working between Japanese and English (or other languages).Translators and interpreters who have been examined and accredited by the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) are listed as Qualified Members (MITI) or Fellows (FITI).Specialist subjects or other skills or services are those claimed by the Member or Friend themselves, and have not necessarily been examined by the ITI.Inclusion on this site does not in any way constitute a recommendation or endorsement by J-Net or ITI, and J-Net disclaims all responsibility for any work undertaken through contacts made on this site.


This search page is for language combinations other than Japanese/English. For Japanese/English translators and interpreters, please use the main search page.

Membership Categories (click to see list)

(FITI) = Fellow of ITI
(MITI) = Qualified Member of ITI
(AITI) = Associate of ITI
(Career) = Career Affiliate of ITI
(Grad) = Graduate Affiliate of ITI
(Student) = Student member of ITI
(Acad) = Academic member of ITI
(Supp) = Supporter of ITI
(Friend) = Friend of J-Net (not a member of ITI)
You can find the definitions of ITI membership categories on the ITI website.

Use of this site implies acceptance of our disclaimer.

Language combinationName and emailSitePhoneSpecialist areas
Japanese → FrenchFrédèric Beudart (Friend) +33 (0)5 6247 1386Engineering, Patents, Energy, Government
Hebrew → English/
English → Hebrew
Jonathan Baum (Friend)  Marketing, Arts, Tourism, Culture
German → JapaneseYoshiro Shibasaki (Friend) 0131 229 0878Biology-Biochemistry, Life Science, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals
German → EnglishGwen Clayton (MITI) +41 76 558 7747Legal, Commerce, General, Literature
Japanese and English → FrenchGeraldine Oudin (MITI) +44(0)7577019236Politics, Economics, Culture, Literature
Japanese → GermanKatrin Noguchi-Amann (AITI)  Business (General, Marketing), Industry (Manufacturing, QA), Nutrition, General Subjects
German, French, Russian and Italian → EnglishTim Leeney (Friend)  Biochemistry / Biology, Chemistry, Patents, Pharmaceuticals
Japanese → Czech
English → Czech
Czech → English
Miriam Jelinek
Fiction, Literary Criticism, General