J-Net events

J-Net 2020 Winter Workshop

The J-Net Winter Workshop will be held on January 25, 2020 at the Engine Shed in Bristol. From literary translation to machine translation to career development and branching out into new fields, there’s something for everyone.

The cost of the workshop is £60 for J-Net members and £70 for non-members, with students paying half price. Please contact Atsuko Okada Househam ( to register.

Workshop Schedule

9:30 Registration opens
10:15 Polly Barton on translating contemporary Japanese literature
11:15 Coffee
11:30 Split session (interpreters/translators)
Interpreters: Aya Lewis on branching out into new areas
Translators: Akiko Sakamoto on machine translation post-editing
12:30 Shinnenkai lunch, catered by Kansai Kitchen
14:00 Round-table on career progression strategies, including a discussion of mentoring led by Jennifer Allen
14:45 Coffee
15:00 AGM
17:00 Sake tasting with Arline Lyons (cost £15; must be booked separately)
18:00 Close

Our guest speaker at the workshop is Polly Barton. Polly is a translator of Japanese literature and non-fiction. She was the winner of the inaugural JLPP Translation Competition in 2012. Recent publications include Spring Garden by Tomoka Shibasaki (Pushkin Press), Friendship for Grown-ups by Naocola Yamazaki and Mikumari by Misumi Kubo (both Strangers Press). Her translation of Aoko Matsuda’s Where the Wild Ladies Are is out with Tilted Axis Press in early 2020. She currently lives in Bristol. Find out more about her at

今回のゲストスピーカーは日本文学およびノンフィクションの翻訳者ポリーバートンさんです。2012年の第一回JLPP翻訳コンクールで優勝され、最近の訳書には柴崎友香著の「春の庭」(プシュキン出版)山崎ナオコーラ著の「Friendship for Grown-ups」や窪美澄著の「ミクマリ」(どちらもストレンジャーズ出版から)などがあります。現在翻訳中の松田青子著「Where the Wild Ladies Are」は今春出版される予定です。現在はブリストル在住。ホームページ

For interpreters, Aya Lewis will be sharing her experience of how she has expanded her areas of specialisation as an interpreter. Aya is an English–Japanese business and conference interpreter and translator with 20 years of experience. She has been working in engineering-related fields such as automotive, production and renewable energy, as well as in the areas of marketing and government policy. Recently, she has expanded her repertoire to include medical and pharmaceutical interpretation. A committee member of the ITI, she is married with two teenage children and lives in Birmingham.

For translators, Akiko Sakamoto will lead a session titled “To accept or not to accept: All you need to know when you are offered post-editing work.” Post-editing is a job which requires a different skill set from translation. It also entails different working conditions and has a different professional image from translation. When a translation company asks you to do a post-editing assignment, how can you make the right decision about whether to take it up or not?

This workshop provides evidence-based information about what translators need to know when they consider taking up post-editing work for the first time.

-What is post-editing?
-Why are translation companies asking you to do post-editing work?
-How do you know that post-editing is the right job for you?
-What skill sets are needed to do post-editing?
-What is the post-editing pricing model like?
-Will it affect your status as a translator? Is it a lucrative job? Will it give you a promising career in the future?

Dr. Akiko Sakamoto is Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies at the University of Portsmouth. She teaches translation technologies, translation theories and English-Japanese specialised translation on the MA Translation Studies course. She is interested in the influence of technologies on translators and the translation profession. Before coming to academia Akiko worked as an in-house and freelance translator in the fields of finance and media (subtitling).



  • ポストエディティングとは何か
  • 翻訳会社がポストエディティングの仕事を依頼してくる背景
  • ポストエディティングが自分に向いた仕事かどうかをどうやって判断するか
  • ポストエディティングの作業に関する価格設定のモデル
  • 翻訳者としてのステータスに悪影響がないか。儲かる仕事か。キャリアとして将来的に有望な仕事か?


The session on career development, including mentoring, will be facilitated by Jennifer Allen. Jen is a translator and proofreader working from Japanese, German or French into English in the areas of medical, technical, and general translation. She currently serves as the Mentoring Officer for the network after serving a 3-year stint as Membership Officer. She has been a member of the network since 2012 and always looks forward to workshops and other networking events.


The day will conclude with a sake tasting directed by Arline Lyons. A Japanese to English translator specialising in pharma and IT, Arline became fascinated by sake a few years ago when a long-standing client in the wine industry started to promote sake as well. She enjoys collecting sake qualifications, and holds regular tastings in Zurich while developing promotional and educational material to help more people discover the wide and wonderful world of sake. Join her for a fast-moving one-hour introduction to help you select, store, pair and serve sake!
